The Eternal Tree


Rufia Begum author of ‘I Believe In…Eemaan Series’.

Assalamu alaikum everyone! My name is Rufia, and id like to share abit about myself here in shaa Allaah.

Firstly and most importantly, I am a mother to two beautiful little boys who are the centre of my world, so you can imagine who the eemaan series was initially intended for! I believe that my role is such a great one and I take pride in my responsibility knowing that i am nurturing them each and everyday in ways I cannot imagine. My contribution towards their future is an immense one, one that cannot be taken lightly and I feel blessed that I have been granted this opportunity.

I’ve always loved working with children and had been working within the field of education in the primary sector before I had my own. I found it amazing how little they were yet how their minds worked with such intelligence. Their curiosity, their questioning, their thirst for knowledge never ceased to amaze me. I found it rewarding to be able to grow and nurture their little minds and be their guide in such a critical stage in their early lives. So with all this mind, I can say that this has always been ‘my thing’.

I believe that success comes when we are true and sincere in our worship in Allaah alone. So when I had my first son, I was eager to help him establish his relationship with Allah from the very start because I believed that it is very important that I assist him to lay a strong foundation for Islaam, which he can later build upon. All praise to Allaah, I had found story books about Islam and Quraan but I found myself still searching for something that I can use as a first step into his journey as a student of knowledge. With this in mind, I created a series of books based on eemaan and tauheed which is the core of our belief. Bearing in mind the young age of my readers, I ensured that I can ‘teach the basics of faith in a simple manner’.